
Glass Class

The glass in our homes is so important.  We want our windows to let in natural elements but we also want to maintain our privacy, not to mention the artistic and practical considerations.

Here are some ideas for making your home more glass classy…

[slideshow ]

[slide title=””]Glaspro Love[/slide]

[slide title=””]Glaspro Stairs[/slide]

[slide title=””]Glaspro stairs[/slide]

[slide title=””]tv mirror[/slide]

[slide title=””]Tv Mirror 3[/slide]

[slide title=””]Tv mirror[/slide]

[slide title=””]art tv[/slide]

[slide title=””]switch 1[/slide]

[slide title=””]switch 2[/slide]

The first row of images is by GlasPro are artistic AND  practical. They also hve  glass that can be switched from clear to privacy mode.

The second row are mirrors that have TVs inset in them . We love the hidden TV which can be used as Art and a television.