Since we have been on a color roll, There isn’t a better time to talk about what holiday colors mean and how the effect our mood.
The colors we typically see around the holidays are blue, red, green, gold, white.
Let’s look at blue first, blue represents peace, love and is refreshing.
So if your year is anything like ours.. we could use some peace, love and refreshing for the new year.
Next White, it is a unifying color, and of course purity and also new possibilities.
So the effect white has on us looking to the new year is one of a fresh start with new possibilities.
RED… brings luck, joy and of course a splash of sex appeal
So who couldn’t use some luck, joy and of course some romance!
Green represents growth and peace.
As we have experienced over the year it is a lot of growth and now it is time for some peace to get ready for some more growth!
Gold is the color of excitement and that is what we feel going into the new year!
Again you can see that there is a pattern of being refreshed, growing and peace looking to the new year, so as you are enjoying the the warm colors … stop and enjoy the energy that they bring to you!