For those of you that have never been, You must go!! It is art for the home. The imagination runs wild, dreams start to become real and then you realize that this is not a museum. This is the “Las Vegas Furniture Market” You can buy anything for the home that makes it feel like your castle. One of the pieces that I saw was a knock off of a throne from Russia Red and gold not my taste, but that is the beauty of these types of shows. Dare to Dream! The show room was set up as if it was a museum and others were staged so well it is hard not to buy.
The seminars are so great. My favorite was “Social Media in the Home Furnishings Industry” I have wondered about twitter and facebook and how they can be used for media. Well Leslie Carothers and Kathy Ireland met on twitter and was a co-host because of this medium. How does that work? I have to say that I learned a lot but left more confused than to start. That is usually my starting point for learning.
Here are a couple of pictures from the event: