What a great line up of speakers today! If you missed it, you missed it. The panel consisted of: Roger Thomas, Florence Shapiro, John Eisele, Brad Schnepf, and Randy Wells. They were a breath of fresh air. The “air” has been full of the sky is falling feelings, but today we saw optimism and hope. Now we can’t confuse that with everything is going to be alright tomorrow, but what we can take away is some great values. Some of the Messages were be your self don’t follow the heard, but distinguish our self from the heard, be a leader. Another great one was nurture relationships this is a great time since we have time to get out and create new relationships and nurture the ones we have. Also we need to take inventory so that we know where we are going, making sure that we are getting there.
It was a true honor and a pleasure to met all the panelist… especially Roger Thomas what a Design Visionary for Las Vegas.
I had the pleasure of being on one of the panels. I hope that next time I do it people will be as excited to see me as I was to see this panel.
Thank you once again Las Vegas Design Center for hosting another great event.